Mark Hurd has been co-president of mega-cap technology company Oracle for three years now, having joined shortly after his dramatic exit as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. 马克•赫德戏剧性地辞去惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)CEO的职务之后不久,便加入了大型科技公司甲骨文(Oracle),如今他担任公司联席总裁已有三年时间。
Carly Fiorina, former chairperson and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Company, received a degree in medieval history and philosophy from Stanford. 惠普公司前首席执行官及主席CarlyFiorina在斯坦福取得的是中世纪历史和哲学专业学位。
Alibaba, a company started out of Mr. Ma's apartment in 1999, is now a technology colossus worth more than American stalwarts like eBay and Hewlett-Packard. 1999年在马云公寓里成立的阿里巴巴,如今已成为一家科技业巨擘,它的价值已超过eBay和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)等美国大型企业。
In addition to her CEO role at Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, Whitman will also be chair of the new HP Inc., a personal computer and printers company. 除了担任惠普企业公司的CEO外,惠特曼还将出任拆分后的新惠普公司董事长,该公司将专注从事个人电脑与打印机业务。
But the outlook brightened after 2000, after the company got contracts to make PDAs for Compaq and Hewlett-Packard. 但2000年,在该公司获得为康柏(Compaq)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)生产PDA的合同后,前景变得光明了。
Dell has a very tough road ahead, Hewlett-Packard said in an unusual statement issued shortly after the deal was announced. The company faces an extended period of uncertainty and transition that will not be good for its customers. 戴尔的前路非常艰难,惠普(HP)在戴尔私有化交易宣布后不久发布的一份不同寻常的声明中称,该公司面临着长期不确定性和过渡,这对其客户不利。
A rising Chinese electronics company is suing technology groups Hewlett-Packard and Toshiba over alleged infringements of its patents, highlighting the growing risk of lawsuits from Chinese groups asserting intellectual property rights. 一家成长中的中国电子公司起诉科技集团惠普(Hewlett-Packard)与东芝(Toshiba)侵犯其专利权。此案突显出随着中国企业维护知识产权,法律诉讼可能会因此增加。
Buying autonomy, a British software company, once seemed like a good idea to Hewlett-Packard ( HP). 收购英国软件公司autonomy对惠普(hewlett-packard)来说曾经似乎是个不错的主意。
That hope was the impetus behind the mobile codes consortium, an initiative just launched by Hewlett-Packard, Publicis, the marketing services company, and neomedia to push for greater technology standardisation in this area. 该联盟是惠普(hewlett-packard)、营销服务企业阳狮(publicis)和neomedia刚刚发起的一个组织,宗旨是提高该领域的技术标准化程度。
Huawei is stepping up its efforts in corporate-focused telecoms infrastructure and it, in a move that puts the Chinese company into direct competition with us technology groups led by Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard and Avaya. 华为正在面向企业的电信基础设施和it方面加大努力,此举使其与思科(ciscosystems)、惠普(hewlett-packard)和亚美亚(avaya)为首的美国科技集团直接竞争。
That deal will let Acer displace Lenovo Group of China as the world's third-largest computer company, behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell. 这笔交易将使宏碁将取代中国的联想集团(LenovoGroup)成为全球第三大电脑公司,仅次于惠普(Hewlett-Packard)及戴尔(Dell)。
Chapter V tries to analyze two typical cases, included Hewlett-Packard company and haier company. The Chinese enterprises can learn from the reality of providing guidance through its relevant experience and inspiration. 第五章通过分析惠普与海尔两个典型制造型企业的管理案例,研究其相关经验和启示,为我国企业提供可以借鉴的现实指导。